blueblack cause by the fell
lele shave his hair and eyebrown
lele is so short
first time sitting his walker
haix .. my poor lil boy fell down frm my bed
i was slping and i never notice that he was awake
i heard a loud BOON
den follow by lele crying ..
i open my eyes and shocked that he was not beside me
den i looked at the floor ..
there he lying and crying
really scare me to death
immediately i called my mum and sister-in-law
they suggest that i bring him go see doc
lucky my ersao go together with me
if not .. i really dun knw wat to do
the doc say its ok but need to observe him for 24h
thanks god .. everything is ok !!
den at night .. garvin and the rest come to my house
to see lele and pray for him
really so touched ..
i really thanks god for placing so many good friends
in my life ..
all along the way
they are there to support me ..
giving me strength and love to move on ..
i cant imagine myself without them
dear friends and n391 and my beloved family
thank you !!
nowaday im feeling so stress and moody
haix ..
so stress with my financial ..
lele is going to have another injection in 2 weeks time
and each injection cost 400plus
i want to work but the problem is
lele got nobody to look after
but carry on like this ..
im going to dry up !!
stress stress stress ..
den this few week
alway quarrel with my mum
i knw was also under alot of stress
but im not any lesser than her
i knw she is working hard for me
im also working hard to adapt my life ..
trust me its not easy for me too..
sometime i wonder why ppls only see how much my mum bear
but cant see me
things that i give up ..
life that i need to adapt
and im trying really hard
but the one at faults is alway me ..
is it a mistake since the day i choose to walk this path ??