today my baby is 6 mth old le ..
my lil precious is getting more and more curious
with the things around ..
he will take, explore and taste .. LOL
sometime he really make me laugh my lung out !!
he already knw how to walk in his walker
running around the house
taking things on the table
throwing it on the floor
so, poor me have to clear the mess !!
he is drinking 150-170ml of milk every 4-5hours
and eating 5 teaspoons of cereal now ..
but den .. his weight now is 6.7kg ..
only gain 0.7kg from the last 2 mths ..
i think he is the kind that dun grow fat
too active le ..
lol .. so envy !!
now another problem is ..
he is recognising ppls and places
so he will cry when he cant see his ah ma or me
LOL ..
yesterday bring him to cellgrp
cry and cry and cry ..
haix .. what to do !!!